Monday, May 23, 2011

The Help

Kathryn Stockette 4.7/5

Well I have to say best character is Cecila! I really did enjoy this book. I didn’t know what it was about, and had I read the back cover I would have been a little more aware. Taking place in 1962, during the “separate but equal” era, it was in a southern voice and from the perspective of the black female. Great perspective on the views of what it must have been like to be a maid in Mississippi during that time.
There are of course many colorful characters, from the doughty Elizabeth Leefolt, to the haughty Hilly Holbrook, to the smart and ingenious Eugena “Skeeter” Phelan, and of course the two main voices Abileen Bates, and Minny!

It is very moving to see the relationships between women and then the relationships between white women and women of color. There were many funny parts, including the pie, the toilet scenes (toilets take on a huge them in this book), and of course the whole Ceclia mess!

I would 100% recommend this book. I bet this would be a great high school reading book.

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